The Dauphine Hotel in the French Quarter of Louisiana is a well-known location for ghost-hunting, with its rich history of reported hauntings. We stayed in room 101 and had some unexplained occurences while using our REM Pod, digital thermometer, and camera.


Date: June 14, 2019

Location: New Orleans, LA

Investigators: Chris, Matt


Location History

The Dauphine Hotel is tucked into the French Quarter and dates back from 1775. With its rich and long history, there are a number of reported hauntings including a grieving bride, a happily dancing young girl, Civil War soldiers, and well-dressed “working girls” that were employed at the onsite bar, May Baily’s Place.

A number of ghost hunting television programs have visited the hotel in search of paranormal evidence.

Our Experience

We booked room 101, a two-room suite, which is reported to be the Dauphine’s most haunted room located in the original carriage house section of the hotel grounds.

Upon check in, we asked the desk clerk if she had any personal experiences in that particular hotel room. With a touch of fear in her eyes, she told us that she had once gone into that room to help ready it for the next guest but had to leave as she felt “death and sadness.” She now refuses to enter that room.

We had acquired some new equipment to use for this hunt including a REM Pod as well as a trail camera that we left running all night. For our first night, we went to bed around midnight. I felt a little dizzy that night and my eyes weren’t focusing well as I tried to read before bedtime. I didn’t say anything to Matt though.

In the morning we awoke to the REM Pod going off in the other room. Matt went to check it and thought perhaps the room temperature had fluctuated. He then proceeds to tell me he’s been feeling a bit dizzy. What! That is very unusual as we are not the type of people to get randomly dizzy. We did some EMF checks throughout the room and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Unexplained Phenomena on Day Two

Our trail camera captured a few photos that morning. The first photo showed Matt checking the REM Pod at 8:29AM. It went off again when I entered the room at 9:16 to move the camera so that I could get dressed. When I checked the camera, there were two additional photos taken at 9:13AM that were pointed at the door, not the room where we had aimed it.

I know I didn’t touch the camera and Matt and I both swear he was in the shower at that time, but he couldn’t be 100% sure he hadn’t moved the camera. So, either the camera moved on its own, or Matt is a bonehead and forget he touched it. We’ll promise to step up our ghost hunting game in the future!

We interviewed two of the hotel staff about their experiences. The breakfast room attendant said she worked in the hotel for 8 years and never had any experiences. But the maintenance man we met said that in the early 90’s, he was in a stairwell when a mist, formed in a human shape, passed right through him. He said he’d also seen cups fly off a shelf in the housekeeping area.

We conducted several EVP sessions with our digital recorders and used our EMF detectors to look for spikes but had no results for either method during our stay.

The Final Night

On our 3rd and last night in room 101, we had one final strange experience. The digital thermometer panel kept lighting up on its own.

It didn’t do this the first 2 nights. We kept hopping out of bed and trying to figure out what was setting it off but couldn’t find a cause. Probably not ghost related, but it was strange that it only happened on 1 of our 3 nights at the hotel.

Did we capture paranormal evidence?

Maybe. We both had uncommon dizzy spells. The REM Pod went off by itself in the sitting room. There was an unexplained photo that may have been caused by us but we can’t be sure. And finally, we had the thermometer panel acting strangely.