Dunhill Hotel building


While visiting Charlotte NC, we chose to stay in the Dunhill Hotel due to its reputation for being haunted. Room 906 is said to be the most haunted in the hotel, so of course we had to request that particular room to see for ourselves. 

Date:  August 25-27th, 2023

Location: Charlotte, NC

Investigators: Chris, Matt


Location History

In 1929, The Mayflower Hotel and Apartments opened its doors to residents and visitors as one of the tallest buildings in Charlotte. The impressive structure was seen as a beacon of hope during the Great Depression, providing jobs and offering its beauty to the city. But as you can imagine, with its massive height for the time, the building offered an easy out for those struck numb by the depression who chose to end their lives by jumping. 

During its early years the building thrived as a business, but as the decades rolled on, it lost its luster and fell into great disrepair.  The Mayflower was closed in 1981 leaving the building empty for a number of years. 

Despite a large renovation investment in the late 1980s to revive the hotel and rename it the Dunhill, the hotel faltered once again. In the 1990s new life was breathed into the building when it was accepted into the Historic Hotels of America program and the hotel continues to operate today as a luxury hotel in downtown Charlotte. 

Dunhill Hotel entrance

There are many reports from visitors of paranormal activity from ghostly figures jumping from the roof, to electronic disruptions, to strange smells, to just general feelings of unease. Could this building hold spirits from the desperate depression era, or perhaps unrest from the spirit of the person whose bones were found in the basement in 1988 offering no clues as to what happened?


Our Experience

Since room 906 was the most notorious for activity, we gladly stayed for 2 nights and tried to coax out any spirits that would like to interact with us.  

Dunhill room number 906

We brought a number of our paranormal investigation devices and ran a camera for 48 hours straight  but found absolutely nothing out of the ordinary during our stay.  The room itself was well appointed and offered us a restful night’s sleep.

Room 906 interior

Did we capture Paranormal Evidence?
