This historic inn has numerous reports of hauntings, including an entity in room 303 that held the door closed, and a female apparition standing at the foot of the bed in room 107. During our stay we heard strange stories from the hotel staff about their own paranormal experiences.


Date: November 8-11th, 2019

Location: Charleston, SC

Investigators: Chris, Matt, Kate, Semaj

Video Investigation:


The Meeting Street Inn is a beautiful renovated building dating back to 1837 and located in the historic district in downtown Charleston. Various online sources have reported hauntings in the Inn including an entity in room 303 that had held the door locked from the inside, preventing it from being opened even with the master key. Another reported a female apparition seen standing at the foot of the bed in room 107.


Room 303. Or should it be 302?

Upon reading the stories, we booked room 303 for a long weekend to investigate. The room is located in the oldest section of the Inn and features a canopy bed, a fireplace, and plenty of southern charm.

Arriving late on a Friday night, we inquired with the night staff if they’ve had experiences in the hotel. A staff member of 20 years had never seen anything, nor had her colleague of 2 years. But they had heard plenty of stories and rumors of paranormal activity in the hotel.

In the morning, we interviewed Darren in guest services and were surprised to learn that room 302 was actually the room with activity. Somehow the story got out that it was room 303, but he can attest that room 302 is actually the haunted room. The entity in that room apparently will hold the door shut from the top, so that when you try to open it, the bottom part of the door will move, but the top part will be held tight. He noted if you come back in 10-15 minutes, the door will open with ease.

A couple of ladies had been asking about the ghost stories of the hotel and were told of the issues in room 302. While the staff did not let them in the room, they permitted them to look through the porch window.

The gals took a photo of the room through the window. When they viewed it later, they were surprised to see a man sitting on the bed with a glowing lantern. The man looked completely solid and real, but no one had been in the room at the time.


Flying Bagels

Not only do the rooms have reports of activity, but there was an incident caught by security cameras in the kitchen. One staff member was preparing for a wine and cheese event, and while in the kitchen, a package of bagels came flying about 4 feet off the shelf grazing the counter below it and falling to the floor. Multiple staff members attested to seeing the footage and have no explanation of how that could have happened naturally. 

Darren also noted that there are many unexplained sounds reported throughout the hotel – from footsteps, to moving furniture – but they can never find the sources.



Luckily room 302 was available, so our friend and fellow Grave Paranormal hunter Semaj booked that room for the evening so that we could investigate. We spent time in both rooms 302 and 303 conducting EVP sessions, looking for EMF spikes, and inviting spirits to interact with us. After 3 nights in room 303 and 1 night in room 302, we were not able to gather any solid evidence of activity. 


Did we capture paranormal evidence?

No, we didn’t capture anything that we felt was paranormal during our stay. One difficulty we had was music from a nearby bar drifted easily into our rooms up until about midnight. So listening for EVP responses was difficult in the early evening hours.

While we didn’t capture any evidence, we were excited to hear the stories from Darren and had a wonderful weekend in charming Charleston. 

To book a room, check out the Meeting Street Inn website.