We had previously investigated the USS Battleship North Carolina, but with a large group. So, we decided to reserve the ship for ourselves to do a private investigation with the Grave Paranormal group.

Date: October 24, 2020

Location: Wilmington, NC

Investigators: Chris, Matt S, Ana, Matt K, El, Ryan, Brian


Location History

The USS North Carolina is a WWII battleship commissioned in 1941 that was involved in a number of military campaigns, including fights at Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. The ship lost 10 men during the war and survived a direct Japanese torpedo hit.

Today it rests along the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, NC as a ‘floating museum’ where it is visited by a number of tourists looking to learn more about this military marvel. The ship is said to be haunted with everything from full-bodied apparitions to disembodied voices to objects being moved with no explanation.


Our Experience

After many months of staying at home during the Pandemic, we finally ventured back out for a paranormal investigation. The only ones aboard the ship were our group and a single caretaker who stayed to himself for the night. We set up static cameras in the Infirmary and one of the Control rooms where a “blonde man” is often seen.

As we had 7 hunters, we split into groups of 2 and one person went solo. We spent about 45 minutes in core locations before regrouping, then heading back out to new areas so that each person would get a chance to explore as much territory as possible. We were also allowed to go into some areas that are normally off limits such as the torpedo room as well as the barber shop.

We used the REM Pod in the Officers area and it seemed to be going off frequently, but we debunked that when we noticed that the temperature was increasing just due to our body heat. We tried the spirit box and recorders for EVPs but did not seem to get any sort of intelligent responses to our questions.

At one point, I was in the mess hall area where during our last visit we heard a loud bang. This time, we think we may be able to debunk it. There was a small stairwell with a door to the main deck, and if on the last trip, someone were to have started to open the door and let it fall closed, it did make a banging sound. And it was in the right location. I did seem to hear a voice while in that area as well that said “Hey, wait”. But again, I went up one level and was able to see the downtown Wilmington area across the river and the voices of the late nighters easily traveled across the water. So, I can’t really say that was anything paranormal.

In reviewing the video evidence later, there were 2 clips that stood out. The first, because I’m an idiot and scared myself. I was looking into the bunk area in the infirmary and saw a couple of eyes blinking. Took me a second to remember that was where I had sat down for a while. LOL.

But the 2nd clip is slightly more interesting. There is a sort of light anomaly on the camera pointing down the hall near the infirmary. The video also jumps a bit. My skeptic nature believes this is just a glitch in the camera feed back to the DVR, but what is unusual is that at no other time on any of the other cameras during the 7 hour investigation, did I see anything like that. Even when the cameras lost connection to the DVR.


Did we capture Paranormal Evidence?

Probably not. But we did get a weird light anomaly on our static cameras.