We headed back to one of our favorite cities, Savannah GA, to spend a weekend searching for ghosts. We revisited 2 of the places that we had previously hunted, the Sorrel-Weed House and the 17hundred90 Inn. Additionally, two of our group stayed in a new location – the Marshall House. Savannah is said to be one of the most haunted cities in America with its rich history and classic architecture. 

Date: January 17-19, 2023

Location: Savannah, GA

Investigators: Chris, Matt, Ana, Matt K, Brian


Location History

We spent 2 nights back at the 17hundred90 Inn, in room 204 which is said to be haunted by Anne, a very active ghost that likes to regularly interact with the guests by moving items or making noises. Two of our members stayed on the 4th floor of the Marshall House which is rumored to have ghost children that run the long narrow hallways late at night.  And our 3rd location was a revisit to the Sorrel Weed House, where stories tell us that the previous owner Francis Sorrel was caught by his wife being intimate with their slave causing his distraught wife to jump to her death on the property. The female slave was found dead by hanging in her room a week later.  Both ladies are said to haunt the property. 

View our original investigations at 17Hundred90 Inn in Savannah, GA and Sorrel-Weed House in Savannah, GA


Our Experience

We checked back into room 204 and noticed a few differences from our last visit. The ouija board that was there last time, was no longer in the room. And some of the mementos left by guests for Anne had been changed out so there were some new dolls and pieces of jewelry. There were 4 full books of guest comments. Many of them spoke of strange paranormal events that happened during their stays.

Comments of paranormal experiences in room 204

In our last stay, we had just started ghost hunting and had a new EMF reader. A spot in the room had set the detector off, but at the time we didn’t realize how unusual that was. Over the years, that device has not caught a lot of frequencies. This time, we pulled that same device back out and scoured the room and it resulted in a much quieter experience. No hits beyond the normal levels. Perhaps last time we really did detect something?

Over the course of the weekend, we left 2 security cameras running in the room in an attempt to catch something unusual.  We held EVP sessions and had 2 REM pods left on while we slept.  The only experience we had at the Inn was one of the REM pods going off at 3:30 and 4:00am. Beyond that, no noises, movements, or anything strange. 

We rented out the Sorrel-Weed House for our own private investigation and were there on our own for about 5 hours. I learned a little more on this visit. Notably, the place where the wife had committed suicide was not in the home where we were investigating, but rather in the building next door that was off limits. So, unless there are other deaths we don’t know of, the main house has no history of death. The carriage house in the back is where the slave, Molly, was said to have hung herself and we did have access to that space.

Our gear


Getting the equipment ready


We first spent time in the main house basement and ran thermal, REM Pods, and recorders. We then moved to the main floor of the home where we used laser grids, thermal, motion detectors, and digital recorders. And finally investigated the carriage house. Despite our best efforts to coax the ghosts out to interact with us, we really didn’t experience much. When we  were all upstairs, there was a REM pod going off in the basement but by the time we got there, it had quieted. So, all in all, the Sorrel-Weed did not have much to offer us.

Main floor of the Sorrel Weed House


The basement


Investigators in the basement


Carriage House

Our final location, the Marshall House, also proved to be quiet for the investigators that stayed on the 4th floor.  They did not hear any of the ghost children at play. 

Ghost children are said to play in this hallway

Did we capture Paranormal Evidence?
