The Sorrel-Weed house in Savannah, GA has been featured on many paranormal TV shows. It is supposedly haunted by two women who committed suicide after being involved in an affair. We joined a midnight investigation and left with doubts about the integrity of other investigations.


Date: Sept 4, 2017

Location: Savannah, GA

Investigators: Chris, Matt, Daisy


Location History

The Sorrel-Weed house is a historic home in Savannah, GA. It was built for the wealthy Sorrel family in the 1830’s and was purchased by the Weed family in the 1860’s. The property consists of the main house and a carriage house and is situated across from Madison Square in the city center.

The house has been featured on many paranormal TV shows and has been called one of the most haunted houses in America. According to legend, the owner Francis Sorrel had an intimate relationship with a slave, Molly. When his wife Matilda discovered the infidelity, she was so distraught that she jumped from the home’s 3rd story and died in the courtyard below.

A week later, Molly is said to have been found hanging in the carriage house. Both women are purported to haunt the property.

Our Experience

While talking a weekend vacation in Savannah, Matt and I (Chris) discovered that the Sorrel-Weed house was open for midnight investigations. Our friend Daisy also happened to be in Savannah for the weekend. We were excited to take advantage of the opportunity to investigate a place that we’d seen on TV.

There were about 10 people in total booked for the hunt. The organizers split us into groups of 3-4 and gave us time to explore independently in 3 separate areas: the main floor of the home, the basement, and the carriage house.

One cool feature of the hunt was that it was live streamed so we had some friends at home watching along and texting us. For equipment we mainly used our cell phone cameras and REM Pods. We had about 30 minutes in each area.

The basement was extra creepy as the glow from an outside red light crept into the space. We were told that people report a presence when sitting on a certain sofa. Matt quickly made that his home station.

We tried to entice ghosts to come out by sharing a coke, or inviting them to kick the empty cans, but had no personal experiences.

A Skeptic’s Perspective

The house was on a city street corner where noise from passing cars could enter easily. It was hard to determine if any noise or shadows were paranormal in nature or just from the hubbub of the city.

While on our final stop in the carriage house, we had a strange experience. The organizer had told us to “leave if you see unnatural shadows as they can be dangerous.” In the room where Molly was supposed to have been found, we closed the door to avoid outside noise. The REM pod started to go off and we got excited.

Being novices, we didn’t realize it was the temperature sensor going off. We finally realized being in the closed room made it hotter. So our strange experience turned out to be nothing.

Overall, we enjoyed hunting in a place that was famous among the ghost hunting community. The biggest surprise to me was how easily outside noises found their way inside the home and carriage house. It makes me doubt the findings of TV ghost investigators.

Do those noises they capture really come from inside? Or is it simply noise drifting in from outside?

Did we capture paranormal evidence?
