Investigative Team

Our team is based in the Chapel Hill, NC area. Our investigators come from a variety of backgrounds from staunch non-believers to those that are convinced that ghosts live among us. We’re fascinated with horror and the paranormal and our unique skillsets all contribute to our mission of finding evidence of ghosts.

Chris by penitentiary

Favorite hunt: Stanley Hotel


Founder, Lead Investigator

I’ve always been a fan of horror – from watching Friday the 13th movies as a child to later running a Horror Movie Club as an adult. By day, I work for Corporate America, but by night, I like to indulge in my hobbies, which includes ghost hunting. I’m not a religious person. I’ve never had any experiences that lead me to believe that anything paranormal has ever happened. I’ve heard the stories, watched the TV programs, read the books, and have seen the deluge of internet information, all purporting that ghosts exist. But do they?

The problem with all these sources is that I don’t trust them. People can exaggerate, make up stories, or downright lie. That’s why my husband Matt and I gathered a group of friends and formed our own paranormal group. Our goal is to visit places with haunted histories to try to document our own evidence of paranormal activity. The only way I will be convinced that ghosts exist is if I can prove it unequivocally. I’m here to share my journey with you. Wish me luck!


Favorite Hunt: Waverly Hills Sanitorium


Founder, Lead Investigator, Location Scout

Ever since I can remember I’ve been fascinated with the paranormal. When I was a kid, my mom would take me to the public library where I’d gravitate towards books on UFOs, ghosts, the Bermuda Triangle, and anything unusual. To this day, I’m still fascinated with the unknown. I am now a history and mythology teacher, so I’m naturally drawn to the history and folklore of haunted places. I’m especially interested in the idea of how these stories originated and built upon each other to create today’s modern folktales. The thing I like most about ghost hunting is that it gets me out to places that I might have never visited otherwise. I’m experiencing cultures, learning history, and building on my own understanding of the world one small step at a time.

I consider myself a non-believer and hope to one day find concrete proof that would change my mind. Like my wife Chris, I need more than storytelling. I need more than EVPs, ghost boxes, or someone’s personal feelings. I’m seeking actual evidence that I can share with you all.


Favorite Hunt:  Old Charleston Jail


Webmaster, Investigator

I grew up watching the X-Files and Star Trek: The Next Generation, always wondering what was possible in the universe. When the internet happened one of the first websites I built focused on the paranormal – aliens, ghosts, and monsters. It was a terrible site, but I was able to share stories of UFO’s and ghost sightings with my small amount of visitors, and it felt pretty rewarding. 20 years later I get to do it again with GRAVE!

The way ghosts are portrayed in movies seems unbelievable to me. But I think there could be types of energy left in objects from events that happened nearby. We just might not have the technology yet to see it clearly. I love the idea of quantum entanglement and that we might be connected to each other in ways we can’t yet explain. I’m excited to see what comes next in science, but for now investigating ghosts feels like a step towards exploring what is possible.

Other Investigators

  • Ana

  • Brian

  • Craig

  • Daisy

  • El

  • Matt

  • Ryan

  • Semaj