This state prison in West Virginia performed 93 executions during its use and had plenty of inmate violence as well. The prison was actually built on a Native American tribe’s sacred burial site so the paranormal activity is said to be high. We explored with a large group where some were reporting strange experiences.


Date: March 17, 2018

Location: Moundsville, WV

Investigators: Chris, Matt


Location History

The West Virginia State Penitentiary is a gothic-style prison that was used from 1876 to 1995. Over the years, 93 men from the pen were executed for their crimes: 83 by hanging and 9 by electrocution in a chair known as Old Sparky. The Pen had its fair share of violence and murders that is said to have led to paranormal activity, but adding to the creep factor, the Pen was also built on the leveled grounds of the Adena Native American tribe’s sacred burial site. Today, right across the street from the prison is the Grave Creek Mound Archaeological Complex, which has the only burial mound remaining in the town of Moundsville.

Our Experience

We arrived and found ourselves in a long line of people waiting to enter. We didn’t realize it when we booked with Ghost Hunts USA, but there were probably 40 people or so on this hunt. The largest group we’d been in by far. I was nervous that it wouldn’t be very easy to hunt given the crowds, but we were split into groups and it ended up being manageable.

The guides took us through the prison stopping in several areas to tell us the history and give us some time to explore. There was a basement area known as the Sugar Shack that still had bright colored murals on the walls. Inmates were known to gamble, fight, or commit crimes in this area that was never heavily guarded. It was creepy when the went lights out and found ourselves in pitch black conditions.

While in the old medical area, one gal in our group freaked out saying she was touched. She ended up leaving the hunt. And then while doing some EVP work with the group in an old high security area, another gal said she felt strange so had to leave as well. Matt and I never felt anything out of the ordinary through.

After the group sessions, we were given time to explore on our own. We went into cells, wandered the blocks, returned to the Sugar Shack, and explored another basement section where a violent murder had occurred. I tried to entice the prisoner spirits to interact by offering booze, cigarettes, or gals, but no response. We enjoyed the hunt and would love to come back with a smaller group.

Did we capture paranormal evidence?
